Harley C. McDonald

Founder, Chairman and CEO

Education: University of Colorado BSCE, Suffolk University Law School JD- Experience: Industrial Engineer for Colorado Fuel and Iron – 1 year, Field Engineer, Construction Engineer, Construction Management, Office Engineer, Project Engineer, District Engineer- 15 years for Peter Kiewit Construction Co, and Mass Electric Construction Company part of the Kiewit Companies, Construction Attorney at Kiewit Companies Corp Office rising to Senior VP and General Counsel of the Kiewit Construction Group for 15 additional years with the Kiewit Companies before retiring and forming Composite Structures LLC which merged with Vectorworks Marine and then separated from Vectorworks Marine to become Falcon Marine LLC. Started Falcon Power LLC as a co-company in 2014 serving as president and CEO of both companies until 2017 when his duties and title in Falcon Marine LLC were transferred to Matthew McDonald as Falcon Power LLC VTG technology was proving to be a viable and emerging new technology. Harley, Jim and Matthew are the co-founders and inventors of the VTG technology.